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时间:2023-09-27 09:09:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿






  演说者:Bryan Stevenson


  Well this is a really extraordinary honor for me. I spend most of my time in jails, in prisons, on death row. I spend most of my time in very low-income communities in the projects and places where theres a great deal of hopelessness. And being here at TED and seeing the stimulation, hearing it, has been very, very energizing to me. And one of the things thats emerged in my short time here is that TED has an identity. And you can actually say things here that have impacts around the world. And sometimes when it comes through TED, it has meaning and power that it doesnt have when it doesnt.

  很荣幸来到这里 我大多数时候都 在管教所,在监狱里,在死囚室中 大部分时间我在低收入的社区里工作 在充满绝望的地区,做前途暗淡的项目 今天来到TED 看到听到这些激动人心的演讲 给了我一针强心剂 在这短短的时间里,我注意到 TED有自己的定位 你可以看到这里发生的事情 影响全世界 有时当事情发生在TED的讲台上 比发生在别处 更有意义,更有影响

  And I mention that because I think identity is really important. And weve had some fantastic presentations. And I think what weve learned is that, if youre a teacher your words can be meaningful, but if youre a compassionate teacher, they can be especially meaningful. If youre a doctor you can do some good things, but if youre a caring doctor you can do some other things. And so I want to talk about the power of identity. And I didnt learn about this actually practicing law and doing the work that I do. I actually learned about this from my grandmother.

  我提起这个是因为我觉得自我定位很重要 我们已经听了一些精彩的演说 我们已经体会到 作为一个老师,你的话是有影响力的 如果你是个很慈善的老师 你...



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