Please close your eyes, and open your hands. Now imagine what you could place in your hands: an apple, maybe your wallet. Now open your eyes. What about a life?
请闭上眼睛,打开双手,想象下,你们的手中可以放些什么? 一只苹果?或者钱包? 请睁开眼睛. 你曾否想过一个生命?
What you see here is a premature baby. He looks like hes resting peacefully, but in fact hes struggling to stay alive because he cant regulate his own body temperature. This baby is so tiny he doesnt have enough fat on his body to stay warm. Sadly, 20 million babies like this are born every year around the world. Four million of these babies die annually.
这个婴儿实在太小了, 他没有足够的脂肪来维持体温。
很悲哀...每年都有两千万这样的婴儿 诞生在世界上。
But the bigger problem is that the ones who do survive grow up with severe, long-term health problems. The reason is because in the first month of a babys life, its only job is to grow. If its battling hypothermia, its organs cant develop normally, resulting in a range of health problems from diabetes, to heart disease, to low I.Q. Imagine: Many of these problems could be prevented if these babies were just kept warm.
但更严重的问题是,如果他们侥幸存活 一些慢性病将伴随他们一生。
因为在婴儿诞生的第一个月 他们唯一要做的就是成长。
如果体温不稳定,器官不能正常发育 随之而来的,就是一连串健康问题 如糖尿病,心脏病, 或弱智。想象下,这些问题本可避免 只要能让婴儿保暖。
That is the primary function of an incubator. But traditional incubators require electricity and cost up to...
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