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时间:2023-09-26 18:45:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿





  Why do we cheat? And why do happy people cheat? And when we say infidelity, what exactly do we mean? Is it a hookup, a love story, paid sex, a chat room, a massage with a happy ending? Why do we think that men cheat out of boredom and fear of intimacy, but women cheat out of loneliness and hunger for intimacy? And is an affair always the end of a relationship?

  我们为何出轨? 为何幸福之人也会出轨? 我们所谓的不忠到底指的是什么? 是一夜情?爱情故事? 有偿性服务?私聊? 还是特殊按摩服务? 为什么我们认为男人出轨 是因为寻求刺激或是害怕亲密关系, 而女人出轨是因为孤独 或是渴求亲密关系? 婚外情是不是意味着婚姻已走到尽头?

  For the past 10 years, I have traveled the globe and worked extensively with hundreds of couples who have been shattered by infidelity. There is one simple act of transgression that can rob a couple of their relationship, their happiness and their very identity: an affair. And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood. So this talk is for anyone who has ever loved.

  在过去十年间,我走遍世界 走访了数百对夫妻, 他们都因出轨而心力交瘁。

婚外情毫无疑问是一种越轨行为, 它离间夫妻关系, 破坏家庭幸福,衍生信任危机。

然而,我们对这一普遍现象的 理解却极其有限。

因此我将这次演讲 献给所有经历过爱情的人。

  Adultery has existed since marriage was invented, and so, too, the taboo against it. In fact, infidelity has a tenacity that marriage can only envy, so much so, that this is the only commandment that is repeated twice in the Bible: once for doing it, and once just for thinking about it. (Laughter) So how do we reconcile what is universally forbidden, yet universally practiced?

  婚外情自婚姻诞生之日起就存在了, 我们对婚外情的反对亦是如此。

实际上,婚外情比婚姻顽强多了, 婚姻只有嫉妒的份...



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