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时间:2023-09-26 17:00:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



  你真的了解蚊子吗?蚊子到底有多危险?人们为了抵御蚊子传播疾病到底使出过多少解数?本期TED讲者Fredros Okumu即是蚊子专家,他的讲演将给你带来全新的抵御蚊子秘籍。他梦想有一天,我们的世界免受蚊子之苦,我们的夜晚变得更佳安宁。且看科学家怎样用科学传递爱,用科学捍卫生命。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:我与蚊子的爱恨情仇,欢迎借鉴参考。

  Why I study the most dangerous animal on earth mosquitoe

  演讲者:Fredros Okumu

  | 中英对照演讲稿 |

  I guess because Im from Tanzania I have a responsibility to welcome all of you once again. Thank you for coming.


  So, first of all, before we start, how many of you in the audience have been in the past a victim of this bug here? We apologize on behalf of all the mosquito catchers.


  Ladies and gentlemen, imagine getting seven infectious mosquito bites every day. Thats 2,555 infectious bites every year.When I was in college, I moved to the Kilombero River valley in the southeastern part of Tanzania. This is historically one of the most malariouszones in the world at that time. Life here was difficult. In its later stages malaria manifested with extreme seizures locally known as degedege. Its killed both women and men, adults and children, without mercy.


  My home institution, Ifakara HealthInstitute, began in this valley in the 1950s to address priority health needsfor the local communities. In fact, the name Ifakara refers to a place you go to die, which is a reflection of what life used to be here in the days before organized public health care. When I first moved here, my primary role was toestimate how m...



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