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时间:2023-09-26 15:36:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



  人生的选择无处不在,有的选择很简单,有的选择则很艰难。而艰难的选择并不都是大的抉择,甚至中午吃什么也会变得很艰难。所以面对艰难选择,我们应该如何抉择?本期TED演讲者Ruth Chang将告诉我们,面对艰难选择,我们一开始的方向就错了。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:你该如何面对艰难选择,欢迎借鉴参考。

  How to make hard choices

  演讲者:Ruth Chang

  | 中英对照演讲稿 |

  Think of a hard choice youll face in the near future. It might be between two careers--artist and accountant--or places to live--the city or the country--or even between two people to marry--you could marry Betty or you could marry Lolita. Or it might be a choice about whether to have children, to have an ailing parent move in with you, to raise your child in a religion that your partner lives by but leaves you cold. Or whether to donate your life savings to charity.

  设想在不久的未来,你将面对一个艰难的决定。这也许是在两份职业中做出一个选择,艺术家还是会计师;也许是选择居住的地方,城市还是乡村;也许是在两个人中选择和谁结婚,Betty 或者是Lolita;抑或思考是否要孩子;是否让年老体衰的父母跟你一起住;是否让你的孩子信奉你配偶信仰的宗教,即便你会因自身不信奉而被冷落;又或者说,是否将毕生积储捐赠给慈善机构。

  Chances are, the hard choice you thought of was something big, something momentous, something that matters to you. Hard choices seem to be occasions for agonizing, hand-wringing, the gnashing of teeth. But I think weve misunderstood hard choices and the role they play in our lives. Understanding hard choicesuncovers a hidden power each of us possesses.

  有可能,你所思考的这些艰难抉择都十分庞大,十分重要你也十分重视。每当困难的选择出现,他都会让你感到痛苦、绝望,让你咬牙切齿。但我认为我们误解了艰难抉择的定义,更误解了其在我们生活中扮演的角色。倘若能理解这些艰难决定,我们每个人便会发掘出 一种隐藏的潜力。

  What makes a choice hard is the way the alternatives relate. In any easy choice, one alternative is better than the other. In a hard choice, one alternative is better in some ways, the other alternative is better in other ways, a...



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