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时间:2023-09-26 15:18:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




  演说题目:What will humans look like in 100 years?

  演说者:Juan Enriquez

  Heres a question that matters.




  Because were beginning to get all the tools together to evolve ourselves. And we can evolve bacteria and we can evolve plants and we can evolve animals, and were now reaching a point where we really have to ask, is it really ethical and do we want to evolve human beings? And as youre thinking about that, let me talk about that in the context of prosthetics, prosthetics past, present, future.

  因为我们已经开始拥有改造自身所需的所有工具了。我们可以改造细菌,我们可以改造植物,我们也可以改造动物,我们现在已经到了必须要问这个问题的时候了,这是否会导致道德问题,或者我们是否想要改造人类?在你们思考这个问题的时候,让我就假肢为例子 和你们谈谈这件事,假肢的过去,现在和未来。

  So this is the iron hand that belonged to one of the German counts. Loved to fight, lost his arm in one of these battles. No problem, he just made a suit of armor, put it on, perfect prosthetic. Thats where the concept of ruling with an i...



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