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时间:2023-09-26 14:18:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



  在这个感人至深的演讲中,Lucy Kalanithi女士通过讲述其已过世丈夫的故事,告诉大家生命和死亡, 爱与逝去,都是我们要经历的。当死亡降临,不可避免时,直面它,并不意味着我们的生活会因此凋零,生活是可以继续繁盛扩张。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:在死亡面前,生活如何有意义,欢迎借鉴参考。


  演说者:Lucy Kalanithi

  A few days after my husband Paul was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer,we were lying in our bed at home,and Paul said,Its going to be OK.And I remember answering back,Yes.We just dont know what OK means yet.


  Paul and I had met as first-year medical students at Yale.He was smart and kind and super funny.He used to keep a gorilla suitin the trunk of his car,and hed say, Its for emergencies only.


  I fell in love with Paul as I watched the care he took with his patients.He stayed late talking with them,seeking to understand the experience of illnessand not just its technicalities.He later told me he fell in love with mewhen he saw me cry over an EKG of a heart that had ceased beating.We didnt know it yet,but even in the heady days of young love,we were learning how to approach suffering together.


  We got married and became doctors.I was working as an internistand Paul was finishing his training as a neurosurgeonwhen he started to lose weight.He developed excruciating back painand a cough that wouldnt go away.And when he was admitted to the hospital,a CT scan revealed tumorsin Pauls lungs and in his bones.We h...



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