学校代码 分类号
10722 G619.1
学号 密级
1202042333 公开
题 目 A Comparative Study on Preschool Education in ChiCnhaina and America and Their Enlightenments 中美学前教育差异性研究及其启示
作者姓名 专业名称 学科门类 指导教师 提交论文日期 成绩评定
李杰 英语 语言与文化
陈 琳史元辉
I want to give my hearty thanks to those who have given me guidance and help in the making of this thesis.
First and foremost, I want to acknowledge my greatest gratefulness to my supervisor Chen Lin who has supervised the thesis and given me constant help and detailed advice. Without her guidance, I would not have been able to finish this thesis. Her strict attitudes towards academic studies and her profound knowledge in cross-culture have deeply impressed me and will guide me in the future.
Then I want to express my indebtedness to all the scholars and critics whose works I have read and consulted.
Finally, I extend my thanks to my friends and classmates, who have always supported me heartily and considerately, especially to my roommates who have given me steady help and encouragements in accomplishing this thesis.
Education plays an extremely important role in promoting the developments of both people and society. Preschool education is the basis of elementary education and is the important component of the national education system. Because of cultural differences, preschool e...