1. 合作研究题目
2. 双方主持人和主要参加者
3. 合作研究计划、分工和进度
简述研究课题的内容,清楚阐明合作双方分别承担的研究工作和相应责任, 必要时需提出时间表。
4. 经费来源和使用
简述双方合作研究的经费来源和如何使用,必要时外国合作方需提供相关证 明或书面承诺 5. 知识产权归属、使用和转移
6. 研究期限、变更和退出
写明合作研究的起止日期,如何处理项目结题前项目主持人和主要参加人的 变更等。
7. 协议法律效力的约定
协议生效、有效期、中止等的有关约定 8. 双方项目主持人签字及协议的签署时间与地点
Collaborative Research Agreement
Basic parts (but not limited to these parts): 1. Collaborative Research Title 2. Principal Investigators and Main Participants from Both Sides
List principal investigators and participants of each side 3. Research Plan, Division of Labor and Timetable
Briefly describe the scientific objectives, methodologies and approaches of the research. State clearly which part is 'Partner A“’s work and which part is 'Partner B“’s. Include time frames in this part if necessary. 4. Sources of Funding and Its Use
Describe sources of funding for the collaborative research and the mechanism to use it. Provide certificates or written commitment of the foreign collaborator if necessary. 5. Ownership, Use and Transfer of the Intellectual Property ...